Energy and Hydrodynamic Analyses of Coalescence-Induced Jumping Droplets
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 103, pp.161601 (2013). Link
Youngsuk Nam, Hyunsik Kim and Seungwon Shin
On the Determination of VOCs Emission Factors in Dry Building Materials
Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 49, pp 1625-1635 (2013). Link
Dong Min Shin, Chang Nyung Kim, Chang-ho Park, Dong-Sool Kim and Youngsuk Nam
Jumping Droplet Dynamics on Scalable Nanostructured Superhydrophobic Surfaces
Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 135(8), p. 080907-080908 (2013). Link
Nenad Miljkovic, Daniel J. Preston, Ryan Enright, Solomon Adera, Youngsuk Nam and Evelyn N. Wang
Jumping-Droplet-Enhanced Condensation on Scalable Superhydrophobic Nanostructured Surfaces
Nano Letters, vol.13(1), pp. 179-187 (2013). Link
Nenad Miljkovic, Ryan Enright, Youngsuk Nam, Kenneth Lopez, Nicholas Dou, Jean Sack and Evelyn Wang
The study on the critical heat flux and pool boiling heat transfer coefficient of binary nanofluids (H2O/LiBr + Al2O3)
International Journal of Refrigeration, vol. 36, pp. 1056-1061 (2013). Link
Jung-Yeul Jung, Eung Surk Kim, Youngsuk Nam and Yong Tae Kang
Planar vapor chamber with hybrid evaporator wicks for the thermal management of high-heat-flux and high-power optoelectronic devices
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.60, p. 163-169 (2013). Link
Y. Sungtaek Ju, M. Kaviany, Youngsuk Nam, S. Sharratt, G. Hwang, E.Fleming, I. Catton and P. Dussinger
Focusing of phase change microparticles for local heat transfer enhancement in laminar flows
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 56(1), p. 380-389 (2013). Link
Andrej Lenert, Youngsuk Nam, B.S. Yilbas and Evelyn. Wang
Condensation on Superhydrophobic Copper Oxide Nanostructures
Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 135, pp. 091304 (2013). Link
Ryan Enright, Nenad Miljkovic, Nicolas Dou, Youngsuk Nam and Evelyn Wang
A comparative study of the morphology and wetting characteristics of micro/nano structured Cu surfaces for phase change heat transfer applications
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, vol. 27, pp. 2163-2176 (2013). Link
Youngsuk Nam and Y. Sungtaek Ju